
editing wedding pictures

I've been finishing the final edits for my sister's wedding photography.

It's been an interesting time.  I learn more and more about the nuances of color correcting as I go.  It's a cold sort of task, all sliding bars and numbers, rebounding numbingly off of my visual intuition.
It's frequently frustrating, because of the way each color is intertwined with the next, and the way the color casts of light sources interact with each other.

However, there are moments of obscure triumph.  They are moments that no one else is impressed with, because the best result is an ordinary photograph, but a perfectly exposed one.

Then, there are the exceptions.  While I'm processing away, there are a few photos where I spontaneously try something, just to see what would happen.
I should explain: I don't much believe in digital editing "tricks" like sepia toned vignetting, fuzzing out the edges, only saturating a single color, or randomly turning things black and white because it looks more "arty." For me, if one of my pictures needs a "trick" to look interesting, then it's probably not a very strong picture.

However, some pictures cry out to be black and white.  Others go from ordinary/distracting, to stunning with selective saturation.  I'm still not sold on random sepia tones.

These pictures are the exceptions, and incidentally, were the most fun to edit.

In the original, the background of this is all bright greenery.  I feel the desaturation lets you focus on his face.

I like these pictures so much better cropped.  Without the crop, they're just snapshots.

 there was a picture hanging on the wall. I felt it distracted from the subject.
 It's a subtle edit, but I crowed aloud when I got the color balance of the people and the yellow lit ceiling agreeing with one another.

 I can't decide which version I prefer.  I like them both for different reasons.
I loved recovering the blue of the sky, with the streaming clouds. Such lovely weather, for November.
This one is edited too, but I won't tell you how. ; )

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