
An Evening Arrangement

The peonies are blooming, sweet and heady.
So I made up an arrangement, and quick photographed it while the light turned from golden to blue. I think I finally got the draping right on an asymmetrical arrangement, so that it looks like a romantic fall, rather than like it has odd bits sticking out at unfortunate angles.

The arrangement reminds me a lot of my grandmother.  These peonies are close cousins to the ones  that formed lush masses in her garden bed.  Then there's the bishopsweed blooms, that are descendants of her bishopsweed plants, which formed a border along one edge of her garden.  The green money plant is also a descendant of her plants, which she grew, harvested and dried.  They form translucent flat seed pods, that she would cluster together and form into wreaths.  Dried bunches of them were always hanging in my grandparent's garage, the door of which was always left open.  I would pick the pods while they were forming on the plant, and carefully pull out the center, leaving a thin oval, with a stem attached.  I would pretend they were monocles, and they would promptly get crushed.

I've been mulling over, again, what is the next step towards achieving my career goals.  I'm a private welter of doubt and turmoil. I wonder, in this world full of talent, rife with beautiful images, if anything I do will ever make a difference.  I have to shake it off and remind myself again, that my work has meaning.  It does make a difference.  It already has.

1 comment:

  1. Jo.. your photos are lovely. You are able to show the beauty of the flowers that get lost some when the flowers are competing with real life. It's being able to magnify a particular beautiful aspect so that it captures the viewer's full attention...that's quite a talent.
    As for whether you make a difference in this life...I think the question(s) is/are more: To whom (who?) do want to make a difference to?
    Why do you want to make a difference? What kind of a difference? What is it that make your talent worth-while? and What is the reason God created you?
    All are valid questions that you need to answer.
    Of course you know the answer to the last question....Baltimore Catechism. There is so much more to the answer: God created you because He found you entirely too lovable to keep you just to Himself; He desires to share you with creation. You do so well in magnifying His goodness...LOLove.....
