I've been sifting through the photographs I've taken this year, deciding which were most successful, which ones have something in them worth exploring further.
I take a lot of photos of people, and these ones are the ones that end up copied to a disc, shown at family gatherings, or printed out.
However, I also take other pictures. I shoot what I see, and I'm not always gazing at people. Sometimes I'm gazing off into the middle distance and finding something there that is well worth capturing.
These pictures don't get shown off so much. I keep them in a file on my computer, edit them at my leisure, and critique them later. I don't have many people around me that I can discuss the relative merits of a photo with, so I have an interior discussion with myself about its composition, lighting, whether it captured what I saw, whether it still captures my interest, and originality of the subject matter. It's good practice, and keeps my mind fresh. Most importantly, it fills up that well inside of me: the one that I must pour raw beauty into, lest I run out of beauty to pour out.
Some of these photographs are more successful than others. Here's the ones that I feel have been most successful this year, organized by subject matter into different posts. Here's the landscapes:

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