
Lullabies and Love

I am now the proud aunt to a smooth cheeked, dark eyed nephew!

Last night, I was on the phone with the Proud, Shell Shocked Father aka my brother.  He asked me to teach him a few of the lullabies I know.  I have a whole library of lullabies rattling around in my head, from singing my little brothers to sleep at least once a week during their pre-school days.
My dear brother had only been able to think of one, which he had been singing to his son over and over when he gets fretful.
It's the same simple melody that our mother sang to us.

Mom has a funny, undeveloped alto, and was shy about singing when we were little.
Our father is the singer.  He has a fine tenor that has only grown sweeter over time, if less strong.  He also has an ear for new melodies and harmonies, plays guitar, and knows i-don't-know-how-many songs, including all the words to every traditional christmas carol ever.  He's the one who more or less taught us all not only to sing, but to love music, and most importantly, to love singing together.

However, we demanded that mom sing to us too, and not just dad, so she learned precisely one song, which she would sing over and over at bedtime.  It's the words to the "Hail Mary", set to a simple melody.My memories of my mother singing to me are so sweet.  They are all the more sweet because she sang even though she's not very good.  She gave out of her lack.  So I am not surprised that the one lullaby that my brother remembers clearly is that one, and not the ones my father sang, dear as they are.
If I could only remember one, I'd pick that one to remember too.

one more pic because I just can't resist!


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  2. Oh my gosh he's so beautiful!! I want to squeeze him :) I love lullabies, too! I've gotten into the habit of giving a CD of my favorite lullabies to new moms at baby showers, 'cause I love singing them so much but always had trouble remembering them, too. Congrats!

    1. I want to squeeze him too! Too bad he's on the other side of the world! So I just get to ogle him via Skype. That's a great idea with the lullaby cd!

  3. Beautiful pics of that beautiful tiny boy. Congrats to all Aunties and Uncles, parents and grandparents!

    My favorite lullaby is from Peter, Paul and Mary, but its traceable to the Allegheny/Appalachian settlements of say 200+ years ago. You may already know it.

    'All the Horses"? ... I have a feeling your Dad knows it, and Jim S as well.

  4. Dad was singing that just the other night! The funny thing is, I know it to a different tune than the Peter, Paul, and Mary version.
