
What I Really Wanted to Name This Blog: A manifesto of sorts

originally posted on July 11th, 2011

I almost named this site Art= Necessity or Art:Necessary, and then thought, "Wow, what a supercilious, heavy clunker of a name." do believe that art is necessary to daily life, more necessary than most people realize, but why hit them over the head with it with a title like that? 
I thought about "Senseless Acts of Beauty," and then rejected it as being A. too floofy, and B. not true.  I think that every act of beauty makes perfect sense, though the sense of it is not always obvious, even to the maker. 
Then, what I really wanted to name this blog was "Make my Day" both because I make something virtually every day, and because what I make, remakes me. I also love the extended version of the quote in my header:
"If I had words to make a day for you,
I'd sing you a morning, golden and true.
I'd make this day last for all time,
and spend the night deep in moon shine."
It's the song the farmer dances to in "Babe."
As a bonus, I loved the gangster-ish overtones of the name.  I could've worn a fedora in my profile pic.  
Alas, "Make my Day" was already taken, so I had to settle for "Making Days..."  I do like the idea of each day needing to be created, and of documenting the creation.
I have about 30 bazillion ideas for what to do for this site.  I have patterns to post, tutorials to document, and observations about life, and the beauty it holds.  I also intend to do a post each friday about an artist who inspires me, from Rembrandt to my favorite miniature ceramicist.  Lord willing, I will get to them all.
However, one can only pack so much into the first post, so I'll settle for showing you some beauty.
I've been seeing some beautiful things recently, and because I have a decent camera, I am able to let you look at them too.

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