
photo critique 2: graffiti

Dear Friends,

My excellent friend and I continue to exchange photos once a month, so that we can give each other feed back and encourage each other to improve.  We aim to exchange photos at the beginning of each month, but then, well, life happens. 

This month, I was very good, and sent off my email promptly on the 1st off August...and forgot to attach the photos.  So my friend still hasn't seen them to comment on them. C'est la vie.

I also couldn't for the life of me pair the series down to just 10 pictures.  I was lucky to get it under 15.  There were too many that intrigued me for too many reasons.

This month, I chose to explore some local graffiti.  It's very interesting to me, because it breaks so many social taboos, and discusses and or subverts ideas of ownership, propriety, beauty, and artistic cannons.  It can be at the same moment joyful and angry, and how it both harmonizes and clashes with its environment.  It also is very, very site specific.
I was surprised to realize how much the surrounding plants and weather change it physically, or obscure it.

So, what do you think?
I'd love, love, love your feedback!

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