The Christmas flower arrangements have gone bad, and today I got rid of them, with the exception of some mums and greenery that are, against all odds, hanging on.
There are few smells more disgusting than putrid flowers.
It's smells warm, and slimy, and gag-inducing, and... icky.
While I was emptying the vases and trying to hold my breath, I realized that there was an odd, morbid, picturesque quality to the arrangement I was about to dump.
So I decided to take pictures of it.
Every once in a while, I get the urge to take pictures of truly gross things. Sometimes I decide not to, but other times, I give in. I wind up with these photos that I have had no idea what to do with. However, I now have a blog, so no I do have something to do with them: inflict them on you!
In addition to the dead flowers, I've included pictures of a burnt cookie sheet, a dead pet fish (he's in the plastic bag because I was about to return him to the store for a refund, but then my mom lost him in Meijer. True story. ), and a house that burnt down in my neighborhood a couple winters ago.
enjoy! (insert maniacal laugh here)

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