So, I tried to put my niece on a pumpkin.
There are several reasons why it did not work.
1. She hated it.
2. little babies love being warm almost as much as they love being swaddled. Pumpkins aren't warm.
3. the pumpkin was not perfectly smooth, even though I put a napkin on it. which you can totally see.
4. I really needed a bigger pumpkin. Like one of those blue-ribbon-winning-oh-my-goodness-that's-a-big-pumpkin. She was securely on there, but she wasn't able to rest on it and be happy.
5. Did I mention that babies love being warm?
I knew all of this going in, but the pumpkin was so creamy and lovely, and I just couldn't help hoping that there would be this magical Anne Geddes-like moment where I could capture her looking unutterably cute.
Anyway, we got a good laugh out of it. I still kind of love these pictures because of how they completely don't work.
We got her off of there pretty quick and snuggled her in cozy black velvet. She was much happier.

The pictures I took on the black velvet have this odd, dreamy quality that I always love when I find it. Even when she was momentarily upset and screaming her lungs out, there was just this passion to her movements. Newborns are so awkward, ungainly, squashy, oddly proportioned, and yet absolutely perfect.
Never has anyone looked or felt so completely, completely alive as a newborn.